Gian Paolo BERETTA 




Curriculum (in english)




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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale, Università di Brescia,

via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia.

Tel. +390303715568. Fax. +390303702448. Cell. +393498612568


Personal data:

Born in Monza onApril 14, 1956.

Father of Nicolò (1989) and Federica (1991).

Married in second wedding (2011) with Giulia Invernizzi.


1979: Laurea in Ingegneria Nucleare, Politecnico di Milano

1980: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, MIT

1982: Doctor of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Academic positions held:

1978-1981: Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

1981-1983: Postdoctoral Fellow, Progetto Finalizzato Energetica, CNR, Roma

1981-1984: Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

1983-1987: Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano

1984-1986: C.R. Soderberg Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

1987-1994: Associate Professor of Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Università di Brescia

1994-2019:  Full Professor of Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Università di Brescia

current: Professor Emeritus (since Dec. 27, 2019)

Visiting and temporary adjunct position held:

1986-1987: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

1989-1990: Adjunct Professor, Corso di Energetica, Politecnico di Milano

1991-1992: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2007-2008 (Fall term): Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2008-2009 (Sett-Ott): Visiting Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, NTNU, Trondheim, Norvegia

2008-2009 (Nov-Dic): Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Northeastern University, Boston

2009-2010 (Fall term): Cariplo Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2010-2011 (Fall term): Cariplo Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2011-2012 (Fall term): Cariplo Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2012-2013 (Fall term): Cariplo Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

2014-2015 (Fall term): Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mech. Eng., Northeastern University, Boston

2024 (Spring term): Lecturer for 2.43 Advanced Thermodynamics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT

Administrative positions held:

Director of UniBS PhD program DRIMI (PhD program in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) (2012-2016)

Director of UniBS PhD program TESEIM (PhD program in Technologies and Energy Systems for Mechanical Industries) (2011-15)

UniBS co-Director (with MIT co-Director Ahmed Ghoniem) of the Faculty Exchange Program "CARIPLO UniBS--MIT-MechE Visiting Professors" (2009-2013)

Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering at UniBS (1998-2001)

Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Industrial Automation at UniBS (2001-04)

UniBS Delegate Member of National Committee for the Formulation and Administration of the National Admission Tests to Engineering and Architecture Studies (1997-2005)

Board of Directors and Scientific Committee of CISIA (Interuniversity Consortium for the Admission Tests to Engineering and Architecture Studies) (2005-2007)

Director UniBS Admission Test to Engineering Studies (1997-2007)  

Director of Class Scheduling for the UniBS School of Engineering (1994-1999)

Member of Teaching Laboratories Committee of the UniBS School of Engineering (1998-2000)

Member of Steering Committee of the UniBS Department of Mechanical Engineering (1998-2000)

Head of "Energy" Section in Undergraduate and Graduate Studies in Mechanical Engineering at UniBS (1994-2009)

Member of Academic Committee of UniBS PhD program in Technologies and Energy Systems for the Mechanical Industry (2006-2012)

Member of Academic Committee of PoliMI (Politecnico di Milano) PhD program in Energy Technology (2006-2007)

Member of Academic Committee of UniBG (Università di Bergamo) PhD program in Energy and Environment Technology (2006-2012)

Teaching activities:

Acted as thesis advisor for 101 students (see the detailed list at:

Teaching duties at Brescia University (1989-2019) have included: Thermal Sciences (Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Fundamentals), Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Advanced Thermodynamics, Industrial Usage of Energy.

Teaching duties at the Politecnico di Milano (1984-1989) have included: recitations for Energetica with Prof. Mario Silvestri, 1984-1989; Thermodynamics: Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium, for PhD students of PoliMI, UniBS and UniBG, from 2010 to 2023.

Teaching duties at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1981-1986) have included:  recitations for undergraduate 2.40 Thermodynamics with prof. Joseph Smith (1982-1987) co-teaching of graduate 2.451 General Thermodynamics (1981-1987) and 2.452 Quantum Thermodynamics (1982-1986) with prof. Elias Gyftopoulos; graduate special topic Quantum Thermodynamics in 2007. .

Teaching duties as visiting professor at Northeastern University have included:  graduate General Thermodynamics (2008 and 2014) and Quantum Thermodynamics (2008).

Scientific production:

Author of over 150 scientific publications in the fields of thermodynamics, heat transfer, combustion, and energy. These include:

72 articles published in international journals (detailed list and pdf's available at: among which 20 are single-author and 25 with international coauthors;

80 articles in proceedings of international conferences (detailed list and pdf's available at: among which 21 are single-author and 27 with international coauthors;

24 articoli in proceedings of national conferences (detailed list and pdf's available at:;

5 patents, 8 small textbooks and 10 other pubblications in italian (detailed list at:;

Has coauthored the reference textbook E.P. Gyftopoulos & G.P. Beretta, Thermodynamics. Foundations and Applications, first edition: Macmillan, New York, 1990; second and third edition: Dover edition, Mineola, NY, 2005, 2010.

Bibliometric ID's and indicators:

Web of Science (ResearcherID C-5448-2008): link to Publons citation metrics

Scopus (AuthorID 7102379273): link to Scopus citation metrics

ORCID 0000-0001-9302-2468: link to ORCID page

Google Scholar: link Google Scholar page

Scientific responsibility of sponsored research projects (last 20 years):

Local PI for MIUR Project PRIN97 - Grant prot.9709116510\_002 - Heat transfer and fluid dynamics of steel solidification in open cavities in presence of forced and natural convection of the liquid phase - 1/11/1997-15/03/2000 (€71,788).

Local PI for MIUR Project PRIN99 - Grant prot.9909113125\_011 - Numerical simulations on: a) Free convection with solidification in a cavity (includes experimental activities in a steel making plant); b) Free convective heat transfer from small disks and plates; c) Convection induced by rotating disks and cylinders in rotor-stator systems - 1/11/1999-13/12/2001 (€72,304).

Local PI for MIUR Project PRIN01 - Grant prot.2001094741\_003 - Heat transfer and fluid dynamics of binary mixtures under solidification with application to ingot and sand casting - 1/12/2001-09/01/2004 (€56,294).

Local PI for MIUR Project PRIN04 - Grant prot.2004098758\_005 - Core-annular flow of oil and water in horizontal pipes - 30/11/2004-22/12/2006 (€ 61,800).

UniBS coDirector of the Faculty Exchange Program "CARIPLO UniBS--MIT-MechE Visiting Professors" and UniBS delegate for the corresponding Faculty Exchange Agreement between UniBS and MIT - 1/6/2009-30/6/2013 (€500,000, bando "Promuovere la formazione di capitale umano d'eccellenza", Fondazione Cariplo, Grant 2008-2290). The program supported 18 stages at MIT of UniBS faculty of three engineering departments for periods between 21 and 90 days each, 4 stages of 90 days each at MIT for UniBS PhD students, and 11 visits of MIT professors at UniBS for periods of 14 days each; these stages have generated over 30 publications with joint UniBS-MIT coauthors in prestigious international journals, plus several other beneficial activities.

Local PI for MIUR Project PRIN09 - Grant prot.20093JPM5Z_002 -Experimental and theoretical investigation of fundamental aspects of liquid-liquid mixing and demixing  (€84,000).

PI for Project AOARD (Asian Office of Aerospace R&D, US Air Force) FA2386-10-1-4146 (Heat transfer enhancement in small-scale devices: a collaborative experimental/numerical approach ($119,000)

PI for Projects AOARD  (Asian Office of Aerospace R&D, US Air Force) FA2386-10-1-4146 and EOARD (European Office of Aerospace R&D, US Air Force) FA8655-11-1-3068 Microscale heat transfer enhancement using spinodal decomposition of binary liquid mixtures: a collaborative modeling/experimental approach  ($276,000)

Honors and other engagements:

F. Obert Award, ASME, 2017

Chair of the European Committee for the assignment of the Prigogine Prize in Thermodynamics, since 2017

Calvin W. Rice Award, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering), 2011

Life member ASME, dal 2011

Fellow ASME, elected in 2006 (member since 1986)

Italian Delegate in the European Committee for the assignment of the Prigogine Prize in Thermodynamics, member since 2008, chair since 2017

Member of the Board of Directors of municipal utility company ASM Brescia, November 1992 - December 1994

Member of the Assignment Committee of Eurotherm Young Scientist Prize and Award, 1996

Member of the Assignment Committee of  AICARR National Fellowship, 2002-2004

Member of the Assignment Committee of  Roberto Rocca Scholarships, 2008, 2010-2013

Delegate for UniBS in Scientific Committee CILEA Computational Modeling, 1995-1998

Member of Scientific Committees of International Congresses ECOS06, ECOS07, ECOS08 on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2005-2008

Member of Scientific Committees of International Congresses JETC09, JETC11, JETC13, JETC15, Joint European Thermodynamics Conference Series, 2008-2015

Member of Scientific and Organizing Committee, and co-Editor of the book of proceedings, International Symposium "Meeting the Entropy Challenge", MIT, October 2007

Chair of Scientific and Organizing Committee, 28th UIT Heat Transfer Congress, UIT2010, Brescia, June 2010

Chair of Scientific and Organizing Committee, 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, JETC2013, Brescia, July 2013

Acted as Referee for various journals (over 90 verified reviews in Publons):

Physical Review Letters

Physical Review A

Physical Review E

Energy, the International Journal

Applied Energy


Journal of Energy Resources Technology

Journal of Chemical Physics

Combustion and Flame

Journal of Propulsion and Power

International Journal of Heat and Technology

International Journal of Multiphase Flow

Journal of Heat Transfer


Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Oil and Gas Science and Technology

Journal of Mathematical Physics

Il Nuovo Cimento B

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

Mathematical Reviews

Foundations of Physics

Physica A

Physics Letters A

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General

Journal of Physics D: Condensed Matter

Acta Mechanica

International Journal of Thermal Sciences

Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research

Applied Thermal Engineering

Journal of Geometry and Physics

International Journal of Thermodynamics

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME Transactions

National Research Council, U.S. Army Basic Scientific Research  



Brief curriculum in english, in PDF form

Miscellanea of biographic documents


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