Gian Paolo Beretta

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 and to download full text
 PDF's of all publications


Brief bio (in english)

Curriculum (in english)

Curriculum (in italiano)

Trascrizioni degli interventi pubblici in qualità di candidato Rettore nel periodo Marzo/Giugno 2016


Main Publications 

Proceedings of International Conferences 

Proceedings of National Conferences 

Publications in Italian 

Theses Supervised

Theses Submitted


Professore Emerito / Professor Emeritus since December 27, 2019

già Ordinario di Fisica Tecnica Industriale / ex Full Professor of Fluid and Thermal Sciences

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale, Università degli Studi di Brescia

via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italycell. +39 349 8612568, gianpaolo.beretta (at)

Web of Science (ResearcherID C-5448-2008): link to Web of Science and Publons citation metrics

Scopus (AuthorID 7102379273): link to Scopus citation metrics

ORCID 0000-0001-9302-2468: link to ORCID page

Google Scholar: link to Google Scholar personal profile

clicca sulla copertina per dettagli/click over cover image for details



*** MIT OpenCourseWare Video Lecture Series (Spring 2024)2.43 Advanced Thermodynamics ***

A 25-lecture course (about 40 hours and 650 slides) given at MIT in the MechE department during the Spring Term of the 200th birthyear of Thermodynamics. 

It offers a concise and coherent review of my rigorous way of teaching the foundations of thermodynamics --- from careful definitions of elementary concepts to advanced equilibrium and nonequilibrium modeling, including the treatment of small-systems --- to undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. 

This free and open collection of material is my retirement gift to all teachers, students, fans, and lovers of the wonderful subject of thermodynamics. 


(MIT-OCW course reference page)
(Table of Contents and Analytical Index of topics covered, with hyperlinks to slides and lecture timestamps) 


*** Lecture on the notion of individual state in Quantum Thermodynamics ***

Lecture on  'Ancient Quantum Thermodynamics Conundrums: Insights for Quantum Computing Modeling', given on October 8, 2024 at the Pisa Workshop "Quantum Thermodynamics meets Quantum Computation" (Video) (PDF of slides)


*** Lectures on Steepest Entropy Ascent ***

Lecture at JETC2019 'Four rules of thermodynamic modeling reveal four general Laws of Nature', May 22, 2019 (YouTube-Video) (PDF of slides)

Lezione in italiano  'Freccia del tempo e gradiente dell'entropia', April 12, 2018 (YouTube-Video)   (PDF dei lucidi)

Keynote Lecture at Thermocon2016, Messina on 'Steepest entropy ascent and far non-equilibrium', April 16, 2016  (PDF of slides)

Lecture at IWNET2015, Hilvarenbeek on 'Steepest entropy ascent in nonequilibrium quantum dynamics', July 6, 2015 (YouTube-Video) (PDF of slides)

Keynote Lecture at JETC2015, Nancy on 'Steepest entropy ascent principle unifies far-nonequilibrium dynamical theories', May 20, 2015 (YouTube-Video) (PDF of slides)


*** Lectures on the Rate- Controlled Constrained-Equilibrium method of model order reduction for chemical kinetics ***

Lecture at VirginiaTech, 'Mathematics helps engineers simplify chemical kinetics without understanding it', January 18, 2018 (Registrazione audio(PDF dei lucidi) based on these articles: 1, 2, 3


*** An outlook on the advanced energy system of the town of Brescia, Italy***

*** Gian Paolo Beretta e Stefano Consonni
Ruolo del termoutilizzatore di Brescia nel contesto energetico-ambientale del Comune di Brescia
 8 Gennaio 2018, Relazione finale dello studio commissionato dal Comune di Brescia
(PDF della relazione) ***


*** Lectures on the Future of Energy ***

Lecture at MIT on 'Are we sure that man-made CO2 is a main cause of climatic changes', Jan.6, 2015  (YouTube-Video) (PDF of slides)

Lecture at Northeastern University on 'A quantitative outlook at the future of energy. 
World energy consumption and resources: an outlook for the rest of the 21st century
', Oct.24, 2014
(PDF of slides)

Lecture at the Gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway on 'World Energy Consumption and Resources: an Outlook for the Rest of the Century and the Role of Research in Thermodynamics', Nov.3, 2009 (text and slides)

Keynote lecture at ASME Congress, Boston on 'The Future of Energy and the role of Thermodynamics research' Nov.4, 2008 (text and slides)


Lecture at MIT on 'The Future of Energy' , Jan.11, 2008 (video,text and slides)


Lucidi per Quadro Energetico Globale (utilizzati per vari interventi fino al 2008)

Confronto idrogeno-elettricità per l'autotrazione (diapositive intervento a Convegno INNOVACTION '07, Fiera di Udine, 16 febbraio 2007, è disponibile anche il video dell'intervento (26 MB) si consiglia di visionarlo in una piccola finestra affiancata alla finestra con le diapositive, che nel video non sono state inquadrate)

Contesto energetico globale: consumi, riserve, (italiano 640 kB) (intervento a Conferenza Nazionale Politica Energetica, Bologna, 18-19 aprile 2005) (presentazione Powerpoint con audio (3 MB).zip, durata 9 min, adatta per Scuole Superiori)

Quadro energetico globale - Con (italiano 10 MB) (presentazione divulgativa Powerpoint con audio, tenuta nell'Aprile 2003, durata 30 min, adatta per Scuole Superiori)

Vero e falso sull'idrogeno (lucidi dell'intervento a convegno 12 novembre 2005 presso Museo Mille Miglia, Brescia)



 *** Lecture on the Definition of Entropy for Nonequilibrium States ***

Lecture at MIT on a 'General Definition of Entropy valid also for nonequilibrium states', Jan.08 (blackboard) (video) 


*** Links and Lectures on Quantum Thermodynamics ***

Articles on Quantum Thermodynamics:

Lecture at PIAF 09' New Perspectives on the Quantum State, Perimeter Institute, Canada, Oct.09 entitled "Mechanics and Thermodynamics can be fundamentally united by density operators with an ontic status obeying a locally maximum entropy production dynamics. But at what price?"  (abstract) (video)

Lecture at 40th Symposium on Mathematical Physics "Geometry & Quanta" held in Torun, Poland, Jun. 08 on 'Steepest Entropy Ascent Quantum Dynamics' (abstract) (video)


 *** Symposium held at MIT in memory of Prof. Keenan ***

Keenan Symposium 'The Entropy Challenge', Oct.07, original web site, edited book of proceedings

Keenan Symposium video collection, home page:

  Video 1 also here
Opening remarks by Ahmed Ghoniem, Symposium Chairman
Welcoming remarks by Susan Hockfield, MIT President
George Hatsopoulos, J.H. Keenan’s Contribution to Thermodynamics 

  Video 2
also here: 
Dick Bedeaux, The Second Law and Statistical Mechanics

  Video 3
also here:
Charles Bennett, The Second Law and Quantum Physics

  Video 4
also here:
Max Tegmark, The Second Law and Cosmology

  Video 5
also here:
Panel Discussion on "Foundations of the Second Law"
Moderator: Robert Silbey
Participants: Seth Lloyd, Owen Maroney, Silviu Guiasu, Ping Ao, Jochen Gemmer, Bernard Guy, Gian Paolo Beretta, Speranta Gheorghiu-Svirschevski, Dorion Sagan

  Video 6
also here:
Panel Discussion on "Frontiers of the Second Law"
Moderator: Seth Lloyd
Participants: Adrian Bejan, Bjarne Andresen, Miguel Rubi, Signe Kjelstrup, Miroslav Grmela, Lyndsay Gordon, Thomas Avedisian, , Eric Schneider, George Hatsopoulos

  Video 7
also here:
Kenneth Dill, The Second Law and Biophysics

Video 8:
Steven Chu, The Second Law and Energy

  Video 9
also here:
Panel Discussion on "The Second Law and Energy"
Moderator: Seth Lloyd
Participants: Thomas Widmer, Ernest S. Geskin, James Keck, Noam Lior, Debjyoti Banerjee, Richard Peterson, Erik Ydstie, Ron Zevenhoven, Zhuomin Zhang, Ahmed Ghoniem

  Video 10
also here:
Panel Discussion on "Teaching the Second Law"
Moderator: Robert Silbey
Participants: Joseph Smith, Howard Butler, Andrew Foley, Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli, Bernhardt Trout, Jeffrey Lewins, Enzo Zanchini, Michael von Spakovsky

Suggested Links:

Prigogine Prize for Thermodynamics

Prof. James C. Keck memorial website and complete collection of works

Prof. Elias P. Gyftopoulos memorial website and complete collection of works

 *** Brescia Lecture Series on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics by proff. Signe Kjelstrup and Dick Bedeaux ***

Brescia, September 2010, web site with videos and viewgraphs of the 22 lectures